There is Always a Blessing in All Your Life’s Lessons

Today is the 6th Anniversary of Dan’s (one of my amazing sons) passing. As much as I miss him being here physically, I am eternally grateful for everything he has taught me from the other side.

Dan, shows me signs every day that he is travelling with me. Constantly guiding me to create different things. I say guiding, as I have free will, as to whether I want to create the things. Though I have to say, that once I take the action and create whatever it is, I am always grateful, as the creation is perfect and comes so easily.
Thank you Dan, I’m so grateful for everything. For my newfound awareness, the many ideas, books, gratitude journals, courses both the ones, I’ve taken and the ones I’ve created. For the many people you have brought into my life. Thank you for being my biggest fan and for always being by my side.
For giving my life a purpose, a way I can give to others.

When Dan passed 6 years ago, I was a CFO of a publicly listed company. I perceived myself to be very successful and important, therefore I had no time to be a grieving mother, so I went straight back to work after his funeral. I worked even more, drank even more and ate even more.
This of course was not good, as the Universe had a different plan for me, as Dan’s passing was meant to be my wake up call.
Thankfully, about 15 months later, I was made redundant (laid-off).

I say thankfully, because, my perception about my life and how to live it successfully was all wrong.
Yep, I bought into the myth that the only way to get ahead was to work hard, to keep reaching for the holy grail (a joyous happy life) and it will be yours and the sacrifices will all be rewarded.
And thankfully over the past four years I have been on a successful quest, travelling through life’s university, recognising that the challenges and disappointments were given to me to serve me, so I could examine my life, accept its imperfections, and learn from them.
I have moved beyond my worst nightmare, all so, I could create (with Dan’s guidance) a better way, a smarter way, a happier way, a less stressful way and a more higher achieving way, to do life.
I now know that my unconsciously incompetent life, happened so I could share my newfound awareness with others.
So I could stand here and say, I have lived your crazy mixed up life and it does not work, it may for a while, though eventually it will all come tumbling down, either the career, the relationships and/or your health.Could be one of these, a couple or all of these.
Great news is that, I’d love to show you how easy and fun it is to create your dream life, through adopting my strategies, where we balance all areas of your life.
There is no quick fix, but there are strategies you can use to achieve everything you desire whilst managing your entire “life” more effectively, more happily all whilst improving every relationship in your life, especially the one with yourself.

Don’t be the person who works hard to get to the top of the ladder to then realise that you’re on the wrong ladder or even worse that it’s been at the cost of your health, relationships and general well-being.

It’s time for you to become consciously competent in all that you do – The STAR of YOUR LIFE!!

If you’re ready to reconnect to your passion, purpose, creativity and joy, in other words to get your wings now, then let’s chat.​

Until next time…..

Be well and remember to make each day meaningful, memorable and magical………..and never, ever, ever stop dancing!

With Love & Gratitude
Karen Chaston.