2020 Vision
The year of “2020 VISION” is certainly living up to its catch phrase, catapulting us all to deep dive into all areas of our lives.
Hopefully, realising that in a blink of an eye, it can all be taken away from us.
Now is the time to get clarity around what matters.
What no longer servesus and to STOP putting things off to tomorrow.
Have you started this process?
I started this in 2013.
I was so entrenched in what I thought was a ‘successful life’ that it took me two major loss events for me to start to awaken from my ‘groundhog day daze.’
The first most tragic loss event was July 2011.
Yes, nearly nine years sinceI have had my beautiful son, Dan physically in this realm.
I ignorantly thought “just keep going and all will be ok.” Of course, I was wrong.
His passing was meant to be my wake-up call.As that did not happened, the second one came.
Late 2012, redundancy from my much-loved CFO role of a publicly listed company.
Thankfully, that made me STOP and ask all the tough deep-dive questions.
All leading me to being a beyond loss mentor.
It’s not coincidental that STOP is the first step in my 5-step Beyond Loss process.
It’s interesting that the world has been asked to STOP.
Have you started to focus on what really matters?
#beyondloss #lovelife #loveyou