I can tell you it’s not just the lipstick!! Why do I look ten years younger in the 2017 photo, considering it’s ten years later? Especially when you consider that most people age after losing a child! I now feel that Dan’s death was always meant to have been my wake-up call.
But I did not allow it to be. As it was easier for me to stay in survival and just carry on. That is after all what we are all advised to do ~ Give it time, keep busy, just carry on! So about 15 months later, I was given another life changing choice to make when life threw me another curve ball. The company I had given my life to went through a merger. I was offered a lesser role, with less pay and more responsibility or redundancy.
This time, I chose me and took the redundancy. This was my first step towards unwrapping the Gift of Loss.
Leading me on a journey of learning how to Become My Own Best Friend and to design a Life that I Live and Love each and every day.
Along the pathway I noticed that we are taught to acquire things and people, we are not taught what to do when the things and people are lost to us. I noticed that we all experience many loss events and that it leads to grief and suffering. And whilst our friends and family have the best intentions, they move on, leaving us to suffer in silence.
No wonder this has led to $trillion alcohol & pharmaceutical industries as well as such a massive increase in suicides. It does not have to be this way. That is why, I became a Beyond Loss Expert and created The Gift of Loss 5-Step Process.
That is why I wrote this. To let you know that if you or any of your friends are grieving and suffering there is an easier way. A way that leads to them unwrapping the gift of loss and designing a life that they live and love each and every day.
Thank you for reading why I do what I do. And why I am so driven to make sure no one else has to walk one step along the pathway that I had to walk.
Until next time, stay well and remember to reach out if I can assist you in any way.
With love and gratitude,