Let’s Start Listening
Welcome to the “Listen” edition of “It’s Sun Day: Your Day to Shine”
Listening Vs Hearing
There is one basic difference between listening and hearing:
Hearing is a physical act while listening is the act of hearing while also retaining and comprehending the information.
Your Ten-Step Guide to Better Listening
Face the speaker
Keep an open mind
Listen to ideas not words
Don’t interrupt
Wait for pause for questions
Ask questions
Be attentive
Feel speakers feelings
Give feedback
Pay attention to what is not said.
Now, Let’s explore ~ Consciously Lovingly Hearing.
Consciously Lovingly Hearing involves three major facets. When you actively practice these facets daily you’ll easily enhance your listening skills. They are:
- The Way That You Talk to Yourself
Here are some questions for your to contemplate today:
- Would you say the same things to your bestie, as you do to yourself?
- Would they continue to be your bestie, after those conversations?
- Where do you feel the chatter is coming from: your beliefs, social norms, your friends, things that have happened in the past or unrealistic stereo types?
- Listening to Others
Knowledge is power. A lot of what you know today has come through listening and learning from others. Afterall, we don’t know what we don’t know. Though are you taking the time to listen to many different perspectives? Gathering all viewpoints before you decide what perspective is right for you?
- Listening to Your Inner Knowing
Many times, we spend our time listening to others, taking their advice, course correcting to the latest trend, fad idea and we forget to listen to ourselves.
- To listen to what is right for us.
- To trust that we know what is best for us.
- To know our inner dreams and desires.
- To know what lights, us up and what dims our light.
It is afterall, Our Life! The more we tune into our inner knowing to more we will trust and know that we already have the answers inside of us. That when we listen and follow it, we will end up where we would like to be.
Make Every Day, Meaningful Memorable and Magical.
Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.