Want More Freedom in Your Life?
Welcome to the “Your Freedom” edition of “It’s Sun Day: Your Day to Shine”
“Five Authentic Freedom Values”
Are you being true to you? Honouring all parts of you; both your Golden and Shadow side? The more that we shine light on our shadow side and own them, the easier it is for us to step beyond the Shame and the Guilt, allowing our Golden side to shine. Virginia Satir created these five freedom values. They are an ideal guide for us all to embrace, as they lead us towards a better and more authentic way of living.
The Five Freedoms are:
#1. To See and Hear
what is here instead of what it should be, was or will be.
#2. To Say
what one feels and thinks instead of what one should.
#3. To Feel
what one feels instead of what one ought to.
#4. To Ask
for what one wants instead of always waiting for permission
#5. To Take Risks
on your behalf instead of being only secure and not rocking the boat.
Today’s ME Time exercise is for you to deep dive into how true you are currently being to these five authentic freedom values. Then spend sometime looking at ways that you may be able to introduce these Freedoms into your life. Your future begins today, so you will never find a better time to start that journey towards your authentic self.
Have fun with this.
Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.