Your Head or Your Heart

Recently I was booked to come to Sydney from the Gold Coast, for a long awaited very important family occasion.

It was an event that I had dreamed about happening for a very long time….. nearly 20 years.

It involved my mum who is 91 and I really did not want to delay it any longer.

Then Sydney, once again started to have more and more cases. There was a threat that warned Queenslanders (yes I am a Queenslander!) not to travel to Sydney.

The warnings increased on the day that I was due to fly.

I had a decision to make………….

As I boarded the flight at the scheduled time, I passed passengers who had just disembarked from a Sydney flight being interviewed by police. Not just a few, all of the passengers were completing a declaration, before being allowed into the Gold Coast, Queensland.

As I sat in my seat, I realised that my decision was a Heart decision and not a Head decision. I knew that there was little logic in the decision and that I was guided and protected so all will be ok.

I was even rewarded with a row, all to myself. So, I moved to the window seat and was able to take these spectacular photos, just before landing in Sydney.

Don’t you just love a Harbour Bridge photo? Followed by the Universe shining down on you?


Within hours of landing, Queensland did close their borders to anyone who was in seven local areas. I was not, nor was I intending to visit those areas so I continued on with my plans.

They were a huge success. Though the day before, I was due to fly home, all of Sydney went into lockdown and Queensland closed their borders to Sydney and me.

Though here is the beauty of it all.

Yes, I am in Sydney for two weeks, staying with friends and being able to walk with my daughter who I adopted out in 1973 when I was 16.

She has been in my life since 2001 and it has been a complicated relationship.

This Heart Journey has healed the relationship. And has taken it to a place that I had dreamed about, though felt may never happen.

The Universe has had my back all the way. It has clearly shown me that when you choose Love over Head and Logic, you will walk a different path, yet one that has many, many, many gems along the way.

It truly is a pathway that leads you to your dreams being fulfilled.

With all of this in mind, which brain will you utilise to make your future decisions?

Your Head or Your Heart?

After my last ten days, for me, it will always be my Heart.

As I now know that it will always lead you to where you are meant to be…… and a lot faster than when we allow our head to get in the way.

Thank you for reading this far.

Have an amazing week. Make it Meaningful Memorable and Magical. And always remember “that there is Great Love Here for You.”

With Love and Gratitude