Nuturing You
BlogWhilst you might be tempted to overlook the relationship you have with yourself; it is arguably the most important relationship you will ever have.
So, with this in mind this Sunday the 15th of August 2021, we will be deep diving into many different ways that you can nurture the most important person in your life.
You are the only person in your life that you spend 24/7 with, each and every week.
You are the only person that you will never leave or lose.
The only person that has the right answers for you.
So, grab your calendar and schedule an hour each day, for nurturing you. Then sit back and watch all your hopes, dreams and aspirations come into fulfillment in all other areas of your life.
Have fun with this and enjoy the ride.
Time to Master Nurturing You
1. Learn to Love Being Alone. When you love your own company you are never alone. Taking time to deep dive into your thoughts, feelings and where you are going is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. 15-30 minutes a day is equivalent to a week’s holiday. It helps you to refocus, energises and gives you the clarity you may be lacking.
2. Compliment Strangers. This is one of the best ways to nurture yourself. Your energy and feel-good hormones kick in. all because you have made someone else’s day. Give it a go. Watch the Give-Receive energy flow both ways.
3. Explore Your Taste Buds. Enlivening your senses, especially the taste buds is a great way to nurture you. Get a little adventurous. Explore tastes that you never had before.
4. Start Creating Meaningful Memorable Magical Moments. So often we leave things to chance. “Let’s do it later” has been our catch cry for way too long. The recent global pandemic has taught us that “Now is the Time” otherwise there may never be a time. Start planning weekly meaningful memorable magical moments. Pick the destination and company, then when you’re there go down that path you always wondered about, have those conversations you always wanted to have. And most importantly, let them know exactly how important they are in your life.
5. Step Outside. Spending time in Nature is the best way to Nurture yourself. Utilise all of your senses. Breath in the air, the sights, feel how alive you feel, lean up against a tree, look at the intricate design of a flower, pat an animal. Be grateful that Mother Nature is here to ensure that you are nurtured and revitalised by her presence.
6. Create Your Healthy Eating Regime. What we eat today, walks and talks tomorrow. If you’re feeling a little sluggish, look back at what you have been consuming. Look into the foods that bring you up and others that make you slump. You are here for only a short time and the last thing you want to be doing is spending it visiting doctors and hospitals. Start consuming life-giving natural foods. If it’s green its ideal. After all, green is the colour of the Heart Chakra………. guaranteed to bring more health and love into your life!
7. Spending Time Doing Things That Light You Up. We all have things that we love to do. Though sometimes we get stuck in the busyness of life, forgetting to do the activities that bring us JOY. Schedule time each week to do these things. Watch how more time is created!
Now, that is a WRAP for Sun Day the 15th of August 2021: Your Day to Shine.
You are the only person you will spend your entire life with, so it’s important that you tale the time to nurture you.
Remember that the more you top you up, the more you will live in overflow and be able to assist others who cross your path.
Have an amazing week. Make it Meaningful Memorable and Magical.
Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.
With Love and Gratitude