Becoming a successful feminine leader
So you would like to become a feminine authentic leader in a male-dominated environment.
I believe, at this time, Feminine Authentic Leaders are exactly what our companies, nation and the world require.
All over the globe, there is a growing trend that many highly talented, but currently unmotivated women, are set to walk away from the corporate world altogether. Putting in jeopardy, the increased financial success, and gender-balanced teams these women bring to a corporation. Due to their busy lifestyles women often go to work tired, worn out, depressed, over-worked, and under- appreciated.
This in turn creates an unproductive and non-conducive workplace, ultimately leading to hard earned profits being wasted on increased HR issues, high sick leave and high employee turnover.
Research reveals that challenging, passion-driven work, making a difference and recognition are the  top three career motivators for women.
Companies need to provide these if they want to help women realise their full potential as leaders.