Why Innovation Intelligence?

So you are looking for innovative ways to increase your profits without going for the short-term
quick fix; cutting expenses.
In this global very competitive technological business environment now more than ever is the time for businesses to invest in their employees so they have the time, energy and desire to solve problems by discovering, combining, and arranging insights, ideas, and methods in new ways.
The real problem amongst Australian management is a lack of appreciation of the potential for innovation. We have some outstanding companies and managers in Australia, but we also have a lot that are second-rate, introspective, cosseted and slow.
Far greater priority should be given to management education and to policies for improving the capacity of firms to innovate.
The benefits of innovation are much more than increasing corporate profits it’s more about creating a better experience for everyone.
Through innovation, we can give each successive generation an easier, longer and more rewarding life than the one before.