Allowing Your Adult Children to Leave
“ I’m been going through a funny phase, its my kids they are becoming more and more independent and I am struggling with it.”
I have heard this or something similar several times over the past few weeks.
It’s ironic as that is a clear sign that you have achieved your goals in being a successful parent.
The parent / child relationship is the only one that in order to be successful, we must separate.
Though I understand the struggle. I’ve been through it. I’ve assisted many to walk through it, with ease and grace.
The ideal way to achieve this, is to complete the parent/ child relationship and start the mentor/adult-child relationship.
One where you are there for them, to guide them. One where you know that no matter what choices they make, they will learn and grow from them.
Its not easy. This is one of the 40 plus loss events that I assist people to move beyond.
Assist people to realise, that they have given their children a solid foundation, and that now is the time for them to fly.
Oh its also good to realise how your parents felt, when you eagerly ran out the door!
Are you or someone you know struggling with becoming an empty nester?
#beyondloss #loveyourlife #giftofloss