Credit Card Being Stopped
Have you ever noticed that sometimes, things that are initially frustrating and
annoying end up being a blessing in disguised?
The other day, I unwisely made an online purchase and within seconds my credit card company text me to say that I had five transactions from the one company.
They ended up blocking my account and would send me a new credit card in 5-
10 business days.
Oh no, I purchase everything on my card. And what was even more frustrating
was that I knew all the numbers (yes, all 23 digits) without looking at the card.
How will I live without my credit card?
Very quickly I thought, OK transfer some money into your debit card and use that
for the next 10 days.
What is even more brilliant is that now I more conscious of every purchase.
“Do I really need this item?’ “how much money do I have on the debit card?”
My spending has decreased. My purchasing procedures have now been changed
Once again, I have unwrapped the Gift of Loss.
The new awareness around my past unconscious spending habits, made me ask
the question “What other habits, can I bring some consciousness to and possibly enhance?’
What’s one of your habits that you’d bring some consciousness to?