Welcome to “Your Voice Matters” edition of “It’s Sun Day: Your Day to Shine”
“It’s not about finding your voice, it’s about giving yourself permission to use it.” ~ Kris Carr
Do you give yourself permission to use your voice?
Are you Saying what you want to say? Or are you holding back, then going into resentment for not being and doing what you’d love to be doing?
Well, today may be the day that things will change for you!
Have fun with this. Enjoy your Sun Day.
Say what you want to say, Today and All Days!
Now is the time to Say what you’d like to Say
Are you holding yourself back from saying what they want to say?
Have you ever listened to John Mayer’s song Say?
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You’d better know that in the end It’s better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open (a wide heart)
Say what you need to say
After listening and then reading these words, I began to think about how so many people, especially women, continually hold back from saying what they need to say and then wonder why they are living an unfulfilled and meaningless life.
It’s time for change this.
With all of this in mind, today’s ME Time activity is for you to spend some time deep diving into all areas of your life, lookin for things that you have been not saying. Positve or negative. Here are some areas of life
- You personally
- Your partner
- Your children
- Your siblings
- Your parents
- Your friends
- Your loved ones
- Your neighbours
- Your colleagues
- Your boss
- Your employees
- Your peers
Then set the date and time as to when you will be saying what you’d like to say.Negative of positive, it’s time to say what you want to say.
Oh and remember that there is never going to be a better time than, today.
And that’s a WRAP for Sun Day the 18th April 2021: Your Day to Shine.
I hope that your day is filled with amazing conversations where you manage to say what you want to say…………..
“I Love You,”
“I Would like to Do What I’d like to do, for a change.”
“Thanks for the offer, though if I say YES to you, then I’d be Saying NO to ME”
“I’m not available today, I’m spending time with the family.”…………….
I’m sure you have many more things you’d like to say.
Reach out if you require assistance in putting the “most ideal” words together.
Have an amazing week. Your voice is the KEY to you unlocking your meaningful, memorable and magical life!
And always remember “that there is Great Love Here for You.”
With Love and Gratitude