Your Greatest Date Ever
BlogAs I looked at the bottle of Veuve Clicquot in the fridge I had a quiet chuckle to myself. Mainly because I knew that a few years ago, the bottle would not have lasted the seven weeks. Probably not even seven minutes!! To be honest, lately I have been having a lot of quiet chuckles to myself.
Over the New Year period I love to look back at how far I have come, over the previous year; looking at People and events that have enhanced my life. As well as enhancements also things, beliefs and habits that have been released as they no longer serve me.
Do you ever sit back and deep dive into your growth? Or decline?
Ask questions to see if the things you are doing now, are most ideal?
Your habits, beliefs, the people you hang out with…………….. What I have found is that when you take the time to do the deep dive, you will find many things that you think are working for you, that are actually working against you. (Just like my daily drinking.)
Initially it did work for you, though over time things change. What served you in your 20’s will probably not in your 40’s. Today, I’d like to suggest that you to stop and ask yourself a few questions, maybe as you look in the mirror!.
- Do you like who stares back?
- Is that person someone you admire?
- An action taker, or someone who sits around blaming others for where they are in life?
- Are you proud of them?
- Do you even recognise them?
- Are there some changes you’d like to make?
How did you Go?
Personally, I love this exercise. Though I know it is not an easy thing to do. Deep diving into oneself is a scary thing to do. Something that many of us intend to do, though life sometimes get in the way from us finding our true answers, The ones that will enhance our life.
The exercise is like going on a first date with yourself. It’s about asking the questions to connect to yourself. It’s about finding out what is working for you and what is not.
Then from there you will know what areas of your life require revitalising.
After a relationship has ended (be it any of the 40+ loss events that can affect our lives), it’s important that you spend time alone and ‘date’ yourself. You need time to be you again.
Time to reconnect and find out who you would like to be moving forward.
Though sometimes its hard to know what are the right questions to ask yourself.
This is why I have created the Revitalise Your Life, 45-day series. The overarching intention of this program is to reconnect you to yourself. Assisting you to Know that Your Life Matters and that you can live a more richer and meaningful life.
Daily for 45 days you will receive an email that will contain your deep-dive guidance for the day.
Each day together, we’ll explore a different concept that will assist you to realise what is important in your life, now.
I know that you have been through a lot. More than likely, you have been doing for others and have neglected your own needs: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This is why I am gifting Revitalise Your Life to you, for only $Aud45. (Normally $A247)
Yes, you read correct only a $A1 per day.
As you progress through the 45 days you will start to notice how you are waking up excited about your day and more importantly eager to know more.
Are you ready to investment in the Greatest Date you have ever been on?
Reach out if you have any questions or require assistance with this.
In the meantime have a AbFab week and make every day Meaningful Memorable and Magical.
Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.
With Love and Gratitude