Believing in You

Welcome to the “Believe in You” edition of “It’s Sun Day: Your Day to Shine”

Today, is Sunday the 20th of June 2021.

Do you have your back? Do you get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis?

Are you aware that you are the only person you will spend your entire life with?

So often we forget that we spend 24/7 with our self. No-one else. Just our self- 24/7 each and every week of our lives.

Yet so often we forget to believe that if “I can think it, I can do it.”

Sometimes we allow our fears to get in the way of us being the best version of our self. We allow others opinions to dictate, what we are good at and not so good at.

Well, today we are going to change that.

Today we are going to get out of our own way and start to know that we can do anything we want to do. That life starts at the end of our comfort zone.

Sure, we may require some training and then some practice to become an expert at it. Though today is the day we take that first step in believing that I Matter and I can do anything that I can think and dream about.

Enjoy taking that first step.

Transforming Fear into Action

Fear depletes your energy, clouds your self-value and keeps you stuck in your comfort zone. Stopping you from living the life you came here to live. Today’s ME Time is all about liberating and empowering you. Assisting you to stop living in a state of fear so you can start believing in you.

What is your biggest dream that you’ve been too scared to attempt?

In this exercise you are going to explore your BIG IDEA. The one thing that you would attempt if you no longer had fear in your life. The one thing that you would do if you knew success was guaranteed after you took all the action steps.

Ok, it’s time to deep dive:

Write out all the action steps required that will make your BIG IDEA come into fruition. (include new skills you may require to make this happen).

  • Chunk each action step down. Listing them in the order they need to happen
  • Write next to each action step, what (if anything) is preventing you from making it happen
  • Then list the next action step that must happen, so you can move beyond what was preventing you from taking any action step.
  • Once you have all of the action steps, place an estimated time to complete against each action.
  • Schedule the first action step.
  • Complete it.
  • Celebrate its completion as “achieving goals is the easiest way for you to start and then continue to Believe in You.”
  • Then schedule the next action step.
  • Complete it.
  • Celebrate its completion.
  • Then schedule the next action step.

Continue taking the steps. Keep watching the path not the obstacles and you’ll be at your goal before you know it. Live your life focusing on the one action step in front of you, pushing beyond your comfort zone, celebrating every action step you’ve taken and easily won.

And before you know you’ll realise that you have easily moved beyond your fears and created a life full of all your dreams and desires.

Now, that is a WRAP for Sun Day the 20th of June 2021: Your Day to Shine.

Enjoy your day, deep diving into you, your beliefs and possible fears that are keeping you in your comfort zone. Always remember that above all else you deserve to always achieve all of your dreams..

Take time to Celebrate You, Today and All Days!

Have an amazing week. Make it Meaningful Memorable and Magical.

Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.

With Love and Gratitude