Listen to Your Heart
BlogThank you for being here, today this Sunday the 22nd of August 2021.
It’s a very special day for me, as it is the day that I get to go home, after being in Hotel Quarantine since the 8th of August. The past 14 days have been pretty good, all things considering.
I’ve been on the 21st floor, at the Crowne Plaza in Surfers Paradise, with a large balcony and a view overlooking the ocean. Love looking at the horizon and the “Endless Possibilities” that it represents for me. Yes the sunrise picture above is one of the many amazing pictures I’ve been gifted to take from my Room with a View!
The main reason for me to have found myself in this predicament was that I made a Heart decision on the 23rd of June. I decided to fly to Sydney for five days and ended up staying six weeks. Eight weeks ago, today I had originally planned day to fly home!
Now, whilst your first thought may be, that my Heart Choice did not work out for me, I am glad to say that the six weeks in Sydney, ended up assisting me to fulfill many of my long- term Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations. Yes even in Sydney Lockdown, many amazing things can happen.
I believe that when you choose Heart over Head, the Universe will reward you in the most amazing and unforeseen ways. In a way that is far better than you could ever imagine. In writing this I am reminded of this old saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” I guess the pandemic has brought this home to us all. Though now I’d like to rephrase it to “If you want God to assist you in fulfilling any of your dreams, then let your Heart choose the best path forward!”
So, today with all of this in mind, I’ll be sharing ways to assist you to easily allow your Heart to guide you to a life that is filled with all your Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations being fulfilled.
Have fun with this and enjoy the Heart Pathway.
How to Listen to Your Heart
Your body was designed to connect with your heart. Every day, your heart sends you powerful messages.
Have you been listening?
So, let’s deep dive into various ways that will assist you to listen to your intuition and to the signals of your heart. This will provide you with a different Gem when making your choices.
1. Create a Space to Listen. A busy, stressful life gets in the way of knowing what you really want because you can’t hear your heart anymore. Look around are your surroundings cluttered and hectic? Creating more stress in your life?. Create a calm, open space that encourages a heart connection.
2. Take a Breath Before Responding. Allow your heart and lungs to be filled with fresh revitalising air before you answer any request. Mindfully tuning into your heart, assists you to separate from your thoughts and emotional reactions. Then you’ll discover that the heart has a very clear, subtle way of saying “yes” and “no.”
3. Schedule Time. The more time you spend alone, allowing yourself to tune into your inner knowing, the easier it will become for you to tap into your heart. To hear and listen to your answers. Schedule regular time in your calendar for you to practice, practice, practice.
4. Get to Know if You’re choosing out of Fear or Love. Fear reactions always serve to dissociate you from your true and integral self in the moment. When engaged in fear, the choices you’ll make will be based in trying to protect yourself from whatever it is you fear. Know that fear-based choices, will not be grounded in hope, confidence and faith; they will not be conducive to your growth and thriving.
5. Look to the Past. Take some time to look back at what has always happened in the past when you acted according to your fears. Take note of all the “kinds of dissatisfaction” or “disappointments” and “frustrations” that may have resulted.
6. Practice Through Feeling into It. Start to notice the feeling that comes simply from making your decisions this way. It’s a felt response in the body, where you physically experience your body saying yes or no. It allows you to detach from expectations about the outcome altogether. Which in turn allows you to feel good and confident about your decision, regardless of the outcome.
Now, that is a WRAP for Sun Day the 22nd of August 2021: Your Day to Shine.
The more you practice making Heart-Choices, the more you’ll develop an incredible sense of freedom, as you’ll begin to move in this world in a way that is true to yourself and to your life purpose.
The Buddhist teachings describe this as assisting you to cultivate “courageous self-acceptance” and a “fearless heart.”
Another added bonus is that when your decisions becomes clearer, less stressful and less conflicted, all your relationships will begin to follow suit.
You’ll let go of people-pleasing, of guilt, of feeling like you have to explain yourself or compromise yourself and you’ll stop making decisions that are no longer right for you.
That is a win-win for you and all who cross your path.
Have an amazing week. Make it Meaningful Memorable and Magical.
Stay well and always remember that there is great love here for you.
With Love and Gratitude